sars病毒_SARS 非典型性肺炎 相关的几个英语词汇

更新时间:2016-11-28 来源:入党相关

sars病毒_SARS 非典型性肺炎 相关的几个英语词汇

1. (place somebody, be) under quarantine / released from quarantine 被隔离/被解除隔离
China took steps to contain the SARS outbreak in the capital, placing close
to 16,000 people under quarantine as further deaths were recorded in Asia.

2. SARS-designated hospitals 定点医院
Beijing says that dozens of entire buildings in the capital are under
quarantine, including SARS-designated hospitals.

3. suspected SARS case/ diagnosed SARS case 疑似病例/诊断病例
Health officials in Taiwan announced last Thursday that there is now one new
additional suspected SARS case on the island.

4. incubation/ outbreak period 潜伏期/爆发期
Vietnam is the only affected country with a new case after passing 20 days -twice the SARS incubation period.
