experience可数吗Experience ESL teachers Resume

更新时间:2020-10-03 来源:节目游戏

【experience可数吗】Experience ESL teachers Resume

Hi there, If you are looking for an experience ESL teacher who knows the needs of Chinese students and what they expect of a foreign teacher, then here I am. Twenty-eight years of age, I’m an outgoing English teacher with two and half years of ESL teaching experience in China. I have got all the teaching credentials. I"m currently teaching in N2 Middle school Panzhihua, Sichuan province. I have taught in the following schools viz:
Sept.2005-Jan 2005: Taught English language in Kindergarten and Primary in WanZhou, Chongqing.
-April 2004-April 2005:Taught English language in N 6 Middle school Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province ( one year contract).While in Pingxiang, I also taught High School and college students in Liyany Crazy English training Center Pingxiang.(part-time)

2001-2003:Taught English language and History in Government Bilingual High School Fontem-Cameroon
1997-1998: Taught English language and History in Unity Bilingual College Bafoussam-Cameroon

I"m currently looking for a SUMMER CAMP or a full time teaching position.

I"m a British-Cameroonian. English is my mother language. My Dad is from Cameroon and my mom is from Chelsea, England. My parents live and work in the USA.

I like teaching and have been teaching for roughly four years. I"m good at making my students learn and better their English in a fun and practical ways. I have got great communication skills and great abilities in managing and controlling my class. A key element in pedagogy.

Fast in adapting to new tasks, my target in class is always to make my lessons interesting and fascinating. As such, I"m one of those friendly and lovely teachers students won"t afford to miss. I above all, my four years of teaching experience in my country and abroad gives me an added ability in planning and delivery my lessons.
I like discovering new cultures and meeting new peoples. This explained why I have been to many countries especially in Europe and North America.

A vivid presentation of my personal information, academic career as well as professional career will be yours on request.

N.B. Any school or company that can"t give me a working Visa for full time position don"t need to contact me, except for summer camp
Email: international@jianli-sky.com(国际部)   
International Personal Employment Business Commission in China
Business Consultant:
International Department




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