
更新时间:2013-03-04 来源:征文作品


     Since《dancer in the dark》obtain awards of Cannes in 2000, and《old man》 ,《Lakes and Rivers》,《 ball craftsman of Beijing》 , 《 heavy wind in Beijing》 DV works move towards world, DV have been no longer calm, and " become Revolutionary Party a whole night", Everybody says DV, everybody plays DV. What DV bring to us on earth: it replaces the technological means of film, "injury who film leads to the fact" coarse picture that can"t bear, " image can"t bear DV light", merchant " object to discriminating against DV" by Zhang Ke Jia one that call upon, another kind of development? Aesthetic demand is the people"s supreme demand; DV"s last development must be the art palace. The lifeness of art, life art up, and mankind life send human arts very much, Art wish eagerly to return to life since break away from it, DV show the trends of development at characteristics. This text is mainly on the lifeness of DV object , the daily life view that the subject matter paid close attention to changes direction from history of the macroscopic, The life of ordinary common people , the small potato"s destiny; The pluralism of DV subject , more and more persons have one"s own image words power and freedom, The mighty narration of official side with" history" of" revolution" is transferred to a candid individualized language; Graceful stems from people and reviews oneself in the course of essential strength target individuality is expected to see one"s own life in DV works , they are not satisfied living in it, also pick up DV too , Expressing self- life, so the object, subject and merging in life mainly in a sense, DV is coming into life , walking close to us, and clearing up the barriers of art and life slowly, DV art is moving towards life , lives and turn into art, life in DV"s lens , It is a starting point of DV art,the terminal point too.
     DV 艺术的生活化 生活的艺术化 自我关照
     导论 DV之美在何方?
     眼下,DV已经成为非常时髦的词,网站,流行杂志报刊,大学校园内也流行着“今天你DV了吗?”的问候语。这里所说的DV已经突破了digital video (数码摄像机或数码影像)的原始定义,已经具有了包括名词、动词





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2023-08-10 21:02:07   廉洁征文作品名称   廉洁征文作品简介  



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