[斗鱼]do you agree /gdisagree with love on campus?

更新时间:2017-02-23 来源:节目游戏

[斗鱼]do you agree /gdisagree with love on campus?

As a colledge student,campus is our home,a warm and sunny house,you can find
the vigor to live and sustain for ever.But do remember there is an unusualscenery you should pay great attention to, that is the love in the campus ,when
it comes to this theme,various words rushed into my mind,i just can not help expressing to you,sweet,happy,wonderful,love for ever,there are so many pledges to
be heard from the lovers, and everything turns to be elegant ,to this extent,and
you ?Are you the lover between or are you just an audience with admiring feeling?
As for me ,take the unmature love for granted,although i am looking forward
to having an excellent boy study and live with me,it is just a dream actually,we
are still children ,do not have enough exprience in love, we do not take in the
spirit of true love, true love means everything even your precious life,here,we
can say it is just a good feeling, a slight feeling because of well-dressed or
handsome apperance,not by instinct, How about the personality or her habits,we do not know ,we just love her because she is so beautiful,only because of this.So
love depends on this will certainly go not so further,one day,you find you two
are unable to share in the same way,you will quit,leaving tears fallen down,it turns out that love in the campus is commonly short and dreamful,if i want to ,i
think i will first be ready for it,i am a person who can not afford frequent hurt,especially hurt from my lover into my hurt.
So please take it easy,do not treat the love in the campus seriously,love is not so understandable ,it needs testing again and again ,i think after trials
and errors,you will finally be mature,then you can use our sharp eyes to recognize people ,find who you really suit to,then ,take it seriorsly,then,wish you two
happy all your lives.hehe




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